The sound of a wagon approaching from the south interrupted their silent funeral. It was Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy. James hid behind Gregory like a shy child might hide behind his mother’s skirts.
“We just wanted to see how you and the boy were getting along,” McAvoy explained.
“I had some old clothes that might fit the boy, so I thought I’d bring them over. My husband said that everything inside the cabin burned to the ground,” Mrs. McAvoy explained.
Frank spoke up. “Thank you. We’re grateful. We were able to make a couple of changes of clothes for him from some of our old clothes, so these will definitely help. We’d invite you to stay to eat, but we really need to head up north and see what damage has been done up there. See if anything’s left.”
“Why don’t you go do that, and I’ll throw us something together? I know my way around a kitchen and can probably find anything I need,” Mrs. McAvoy offered.