Chapter 5

Travis was pacing by the bathrooms, dressed in plain clothes with his tuxedo hanging nearby. He stopped in his tracks and sighed with exasperation as Blake came running over. “About time! Where have you been?”

“Traffic, bad drivers, nearly hit someone, brought some back-up notes.” Blake panted and pulled his slips of paper from his pocket. He took his tux jacket off and threw it onto a chair. “Fuck, Travis, why did you have to get married in the summer? It is way too hot for that thing.”

“That’s why I wore a T-shirt here, you dummy.” Travis gestured for Blake’s notes. “Speaking of which, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Blake pointed out which parts he had made up and which he had written down from what he remembered. “Luckily I read them over before I drank too much,” he said.

Travis sighed. “If only you had put them backin your pocket before you drank too much. Gotta admit though, this is pretty good, and it’s jogging my memory. Got a pen?”