Chapter 8

“Although,” he leaned in conspiratorially, “it’s already an improvement over my previous school. But if you quote me on that, I’ll deny it until the day I die.”

“Did you not leave your previous school on good terms?”

“You really are a reporter, aren’t you?” James eyed him for a second too long. “I don’t know. It’s more real here, I suppose.”

Welcome to the other ninety-nine percent. “Should we be offended?” He smiled.

“Hardly. Believe me. It’s nothing but a compliment.”

Matt stopped as James slowed down and approached his homeroom.

“Not that I didn’t enjoy this impromptu interview, Matt,” James said, “but this is my homeroom.”

Matt scrambled. “What I really wanted to do,” he said, seeing his window sliding shut, “is set up a time for an in depth interview, if you’re up for that.”

“I figured you would.” Somehow the spark had left James’ eyes after Matt made his request.