Chapter 18

“How was your date?”

“Serendipitous,” Jake laughed.

Brian’s interest was piqued by the evasive answer. He took in his uncle’s eased expression at the change of topic and softly bumped his foot against Jake’s ankle. “If you think I’m grateful for the change of subject, you’re right. Now talk.”

* * * *


Matt sipped on his sangria, still amazed in the difference of the guy that sat opposite him from the one he’d met previously. James had become far more talkative and animated after the dip in the pool and was answering questions with less wariness. It also presented Matt with all the opportunity he could want to learn as much about him as he wanted, which was everything. When James would laugh at something, he had a tendency to tilt his head back to let a humorous chuckle escape, and all Matt could do was stare at his bobbing Adam’s apple. “Why did you make our school work so hard to get you?”

“How’d you mean?”