He took his handout and shuffled the pack of papers along to the girl that sat behind him. Nothing on the paper made sense to him, his concentration shot to hell. Things still weren’t completely smoothed over with his uncle and him, either. He hated fighting with either of his boys.
And James.
What a fucking piece of work. In what world did that guy ever think he was good enough for Matt? He had his nose so high in the clouds he’d been so close to asking what the view from all the way up there was like for the one percent. Smug bastard. His mood was darkening rapidly and he continued to brood as Mrs. Dewitt discussed the week’s assignment. The shuffle of chairs against tile dragged him out of his trance.
“Move up.”
Brian ignored the voice coming from next to him and continued scribbling pictures in the margin of the handout.
“Move. The. Fuck. Up.”
He looked up into the scrunched up green eyes that accompanied the annoyed voice that challenged him.
“What the fuck do you want?”