Chapter 44

Brian pulled the entire thing up and held the bottom on his tongue, letting the mayonnaise pool on his tongue before slurping it up in a disgusting display. He could see his brother’s mood start to lift already.

“Do you remember when Jakey got that paralegal job?” Matt asked.

“God. Yes. We must’ve been in what? Fifth grade?”

“Yeah. We were so excited. I remember you asking Jakey if we could start affording mayonnaise then.”

Brian smiled and looked into the yard. “We got our first real pocket money then also. Fifty bucks a month to share. We thought we were rich”

“And we’d pool it together most of the time to buy something big every month.

But then you’d hog it all the time and I’d regret it.”

Brian nodded absentmindedly.

It was precious memories like that that reminded Matt how rich they’d been their entire lives, even if at times it wasn’t in material wealth. He’d known plenty of middle class and even rich kids who had been poorer than they’d ever been.