Chapter 53

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Matt’s head felt like it was split in two and a dull pressure beat persistently behind his eyes. He was tired, grumpy and over all of it. He sat uneasily on the bleachers watching his brother’s practice, enjoying seeing Brian relaxed and in his element. He should be driving home already, since Brian had an extended practice session, but the gloom of his room depressed him.

Sleep had evaded him but he’d finally fallen into a fitful and disturbed doze an hour before he had to start his day. The decision to head home made itself. There was no point in avoiding it, he might as well just go and sulk in his room. Matt stood up and was about head to the car but was greeted by the guy he should have been happy to see waiting at the bottom. James looked apologetic. Nothing new there.

“I’m over it.” Matt walked past him. James pushed a hand out and caught his elbow harder than he probably intended. It got Matt’s attention and stopped him in his tracks.