Chapter 74

James stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the tiles. His hand shot out and shoved Matt’s hand away from his shoulder, and Brian had already crossed the room by the time James squared his shoulders.

He took in the pained glint in his brother’s eyes before noticing James’ busted lip first and then the swollen gash above his eye. His left cheek and part of his chin harbored a harsh bruise, but it all faded for Brian as he took in the stricken look on his brother’s face at James’ harsh rebuke.

James’ head spun in Brian’s direction and he challenged him with a stare too. He balled his fists at his side and stared back at Matt.

“Your mom told me what happened,” Matt said softly. He stood close, too close to James, so that only the three of them could hear what was said. James’ chest heaved with his barely contained agitation. “Don’t worry about it. It’s no skin off your back.”