Chapter 100

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Matt settled into his seat, stuffed and satiated from dinner and content with his boyfriend. His hand was securely wrapped around his boyfriend’s thigh as James drove the same route he did on their first date a million years ago. Matt looked forward to lying under the stars again, with his love, taking in the serene brilliance of the country’s largest urban national park with the quiet steadfastness of his Jamie’s arms around him. “Your mom seemed far more relaxed tonight than I’ve ever seen her,” Matt said.

James’ genuine smile made his eyes crinkle.

Matt couldn’t resist rigging his boyfriend, and added, “Granted, I only met her twice. And the second time we were both pretty strung out while you were pigging out on minibars.”

“We’ll change that,” James said seriously. “My mom likes you. Really likes you. And your uncle, too. She wants to invite all you guys over for dinner. And you can meet my coach.”