Chapter 2

He closed his eyes and savored the sticky coffee glaze and the rich creamy texture as he sucked his fingers clean. Which brought back memories of the first time he’d introduced Emmett to the dessert. Sweet cream cheese had ended up smeared all over Emmett’s porcelain-pale skin while Stephen had greedily licked it off. All followed by a steamy session in the shower.

A wave of loss flowed through him, and he reached for more cheesecake. And then still more. How many breakups would this make? Too many. Especially for a man who was going to be thirty-seven in a very short while. Too old to make any more wrong choices.

Stephen’s chin sagged to his chest. Maybe it was time to give up hope of finding that elusive someone who would click with him like two pieces of a perfect jigsaw puzzle. Someone who would fight to hold on to Stephen, and not just move on when things got too difficult. Or too dull.

Oh, he’d been pretty sure Emmett wasn’t going to be that someone. But the man was so beautiful and so full of fun. And that white-blond hair was Stephen’s weakness. So when Emmett insisted on moving in and being exclusive, Stephen had seen a future worth exploring. He had welcomed Emmett into his apartment and committed to making it last.

But that commitment didn’t extend to the introduction of another man. Although from the soulful looks and tender caresses being exchanged at the bistro, introductions were long past. The matter had already been decided: Stephen was out, and young Mr. Kissy-Fingers was in.

All that remained was sorting the accumulated belongings into “mine” and “his.” And, of course, the inevitable scene when Emmett discovered he was expected to pack and leave the apartment.

And it would be one hell of a scene. Emmett’s acting talent might be slow to develop, but his love of drama was in full flower. Claws unsheathed, accusations flying, any breakable object would be fair game. And right now, feeling nauseated and betrayed, Stephen didn’t think he could face it.

Suddenly needing to retreat from the line of fire, he pulled out his phone and dialed his friend, Karen.

She answered on the first ring. “Hey you, so are you going to use the cabin?” Her tone turned snippy as she added, “Or did his high and mightiness think it was too rustic for his tastes?”

From the start, she’d told Stephen that letting Emmett move in was a mistake. And how right she’d been. “Hi, Karen. Yeah, I’d like to use the cabin. Emmett won’t be coming.” An image of a gloriously naked Emmett wrapped around the new boyfriend blossomed in his mind. Stephen sighed. “At least not with me. Ever again.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m sorry it’s over, but I know you’re hurting. Do you want to talk about it?”

Stephen tensed at the sympathy in her voice. Being the object of pity made his skin crawl. “No, I’ll be fine. Like always. But I want to skip the parting scene Emmett will treat me to when he gets home. Can I get the key from you tonight?”

“Already waiting for you in your mailbox, hon. I dropped it off this morning. And I asked a neighbor up there to get the well started and make sure the electricity is working. You’ll have water and power. But be prepared for vermin to have moved in since I closed the place last fall. Spiders for sure. Maybe mice or even snakes. And you’ll have to bring food—there’s nothing there.”

“I’ll pick up some groceries on the way. And thanks. I appreciate this.”

“You sure you don’t want company? I can probably wrangle a few days off.”

“No, I’m good.” And to discourage her further from joining him, he added, “Besides, I don’t think I’m going to evict the snakes. I rather like them.”

She laughed. “You’re a strange man, Stephen. Call me when you get back. Bye.” She hung up.

He packed clothes, toiletries, and his laptop. Then, just in case Hurricane Emmett got carried away, he decided it would be wise to take any irreplaceable items. Looking around the apartment for things that should be protected, he cringed. Other than a few souvenirs of his time with Emmett, the rest was just stuff—functional, but it could belong to anyone.

The most personal items he owned were his textbooks and references on accounting and tax law. Stephen snorted. Even in his worst fit of temper, Emmett wouldn’t waste the energy to destroy those. There was no denying it—Emmett was right. Stephen really was boring.

He left the ravaged cheesecake in the center of the table. For anyone else but Emmett, that likely would be explanation enough. But not wanting there to be any question, he retrieved the torn box lid and scrawled on it: “I’ll be out of town for a few days. Should be enough time for you to move out. Leave the key.” There. Emmett wouldn’t be able to miss that message written in thick, black, felt-tipped pen on the bright pink box.