Chapter 5

“Trust me. Marc is too involved with his money-whores instead of me.”

“But you’re his balance and reasoning.”

Auggie shook his head. “That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve heard today. Both of us know Marc enjoys his wealthy clients over me. I’m a high school teacher and have zilch in a savings account. My checking account has two hundred bucks in it. Marc likes money and an assortment of men to go along with it. I know for a fact that he’s not into me.”

“It almost sounds similar to my situation.”

Auggie huffed and rolled his eyes. “Birds of a feather flock together, right?”

“They do.”

“Marc is a snake, cheat, and a liar. If he doesn’t think for a second that I know he’s dipping his cock into a client, or two, or three, then shame on him. The guy never wants to fuck around with me.”