Chapter 6

“Very much so…now.”

Dean’s smile brightened and he looked as if he was going to say something more, when the waiter reappeared with their drinks. He paid, then pointed to a table which had just been vacated. Ellis nodded and they hurried over before someone else could grab it.

When they were seated, Dean rested his elbows on the table. “From what you’ve said, it sounds like you don’t come into town very often.”

“I don’t.”

“That was short and to the point. Do you live far from the city?”

Ellis shook his head. “I have a house to the west of here, on the river.”


“Not really. It was a small plantation at one point in time. I bought it a few years back and did my best to restore it and still make it livable by today’s standards.”

“So it’s just you there?”

Ellis laughed. “You’re fishing again. It’s me and Jive, my dog. Plus my housekeeper during the day. And to answer before you ask, that’s all she is.”

“To be honest, by now I’ve figured out you’re not into women.”