Chapter 9

“According to Bernard, yes.”

By then they were beside a small group of people. Sara tapped one man’s shoulder and he turned in response, breaking into a wide smile. “So, we meet again.”

It took Ellis a moment to figure out what the man meant. Then he nodded. “Along the path by the river, when I had a dizzy spell.”

“Yes. We never introduced ourselves. I’m Martin Lovell. I work at the same software company as Sara, although not in the sales department with her.”

“He’s one of our best programmers,” Sara put in, looking a bit surprised they had met before. “Martin, this is Ellis Williams.”

“Nice to have a name for the face,” Martin said.

“I could say the same.”

Martin grinned. “But will you?”

Chuckling, Ellis nodded. “I will. So you’re a programmer. I’m not sure I know what that is other than it has something to do with computer games.”