Chapter 11

When Marj When Marj called them for dessert, there were four extra places set. Marj said, “I know it’s late, but there’s so much left over from yesterday that I invited the kids, I mean, you know, Dick’s friend Koko and Darcy and um, Ed.” She smiled at them all individually, apologetically at Hal, wanly at Peter, and proudly at Lewis. “Here sit by me!” she said to the latter, pointing to her right side. Lewis looked up at Peter as if for permission, and then went over to sit by this very friendly and kind-looking woman. Peter wasn’t about to tell her they’d not only already eaten, but already had a second dessert as well.

* * * *

Peter could almost hear him thinking, I hope she won’t spit on her finger and wash my face. He beamed at the boy, and got himself another drink.Lewis looked like he’d like one too.