Tab didn’t know—nobody really knew—if Mum had been a bit crazy before the drugs or not, but she was definitely crazy by the time he was four .He remembered being four and a half, and going next door to ask Mrs. Pemberton if she knew where PC Thorpe was, ‘cause Mum had locked herself in her room and was breaking things. Mrs. Pemberton had been horrified. PC Thorpe had just looked sad, and taken Tab round to Uncle Eddie’s, and…
And that was the start.
She had good days. On her good days, Mum was fun, when Tab was little. They’d gone to the seaside or out into the country. She knew everything about nature. Tab could still name a ridiculous amount of random flowers you’d find in hedgerows and copses. On her good days, she was pretty and young again and loved the world and everyone in it. She’d been a good mum on her good days.