Chapter 31

AdequateHeroes: ur sweet.

DDJones0209: thanks?

AdequateHeroes: it’s true. Ur really nice and sometimes ur funny. Sometimes ur jokes r just shit but sometimes their funny.

DDJones0209: theyre always funny, STFU.

AdequateHeroes: SOMETIMES. Anyway, ur nice :)

DDJones0209: sometimes ;) but cheers.

AdequateHeroes: u got facebook?

DDJones0209: no, actually!

Tab was…sort of surprised (Maxi let him not have Facebook?) but also not, because Demi was easily dorky enough to not have one. Still…

AdequateHeroes: why not?

DDJones0209: 2 many keyboard warriors when I were at school. Gay boy with frizzy hair, u can imagine!

Tab could. Easily. Okay, maybe not the frizzy hair bit, but he’d been there for the gay boy at school thing. And he’d actually not had too bad a time of it, but it still was kind of unpleasant.

DDJones0209: seen urs tho, maxi showed me ;) ur mum looks a right laugh!