“Admit what?” Tab fumbled.
“That you have a crush on me.”
The till snapped shut on Tab’s index finger, and he didn’t feel a thing. He went absolutely white, the colour running out of his face and hiding somewhere around his ankles. There was a roaring in his ears like the latest NASA shuttle going up for some serious Moon time. He wanted to faint, or be sick, or just plain die, because a) it would actually be less embarrassing than this, and b) now Nick was going to beat him up. For defs. He even still had his gloves slung over his shoulder, ready for the putting on and the beating and the killing Tab stone dead behind this desk
Maybe if he screamed really, really loudly, Uncle Eddie would get there before Nick could murder him, and he’d only have to spend a few months in hospital eating through a straw and wishing there were some male nurses…
“Is that a no?” Nick asked.
Tab sat down heavily.