“Then go for it,” Eddie advised.
“He didn’t tell me when he worked it out,” Tab mumbled, toying with the remnants of his food.
“Like I said, kid struggles to know what to say after ‘hello.’ Go easy on him. Not everyone’s bright like you. And anyway…” Eddie shrugged. “I won’t say more on it, but let’s say he came here because he had trouble elsewhere, yeah? Once burned and all that.”
Tab flushed, still turning the phone over and over in his fingers. Trouble was right, if Maxi had told the truth. And to get Demi and Nick…it was suddenly, weirdly possible, and yet the unease wouldn’t settle. The choice was literally in his hand. He could tell Nick to piss off, or…
Or, one of his gods murmured in his ear, you could have the exact thing you wanted from the beginning. Two for the price of one.
Tab snorted. This wasn’t an offer in the supermarket, Jesus.