Chapter 14

Brandon grumbled under his breath. “When did he die?”

Scott scratched his chin. “Six months ago, or so. It took a while for his estate to get out of the probate.”

“Then his unit is about seven months in arrears. That’s the best I can help you with.”

“Oh, come on!” Scott protested.

“This is my job, man,” Brandon said. “I like you. But…you didn’t grab any other information, while you were photographing the guy’s house and things? Or sneaking a look at his mail?”

Scott’s eyes widened. “Wait, wait a minute..”

There was no waiting, however. The crowd followed Ginny to the next seized unit. Scott cursed, muttered, dug frantically in his backpack for the other SIM card. He thumbed it into the camera’s drive and scrolled through hundreds of pictures of used furniture, ancient stacks of documents…there! He found the photo. Pinch and expand. He squinted. The letter was a collections piece, for…