Chapter 4

“Come inside and I’ll fix you breakfast,” she told me.

“Gran, I haven’t eaten breakfast in years.”

She set the pan of beans on the porch. “Don’t sass me. It’s no wonder you can’t sleep. You need nourishment. You need to be good to yourself, even if all you do all day is sit behind a desk.”

“I don’t sit behind a desk all day.”

“Okay, Miss Executive. What else do you do?”

“Sometimes I talk on the phone, too,” I told her with a mischievous grin on my face.

“Oh, I see. Then I guess all you need is coffee.”

I reached into my shirt pocket and withdrew a cigarette.

“Now that’s a wonderful breakfast,” she said. I knew that Gran didn’t like me smoking. She complained about it every time I came to visit. Of course, I didn’t stop smoking and she didn’t stop complaining. I think she’d miss it if I stopped. I know I would.

“Cool and refreshing. Really gets the blood pumping.” I blew a perfect smoke ring. It didn’t blow away, it just sat there. There was no breeze of any kind today.