Did “David” not understand the purpose of pyjamas? Did he sleep naked?
Alex swallowed. Maybe, but the nagging suspicion remained that David had spent the night in the same outfit in which he had arrived. The question was why.
Had he wanted to remain in the suit in case he needed to make a fast getaway? The tight item of clothing appeared to be one piece. Alex couldn’t guess how his visitor got in and out of it. The oddities kept accumulating, and he wanted nothing to do with any of them. Alex had hoped to drive David somewhere today and get rid of him, make him someone else’s problem. An expectation for which he suffered guilt. That emotion had postponed another attempt at an inquisition, although if they didn’t manage to communicate soon all Alex could think to do was to drop the foreigner off at a police station. He didn’t like that idea, certainly didn’t want a load of questions.
“And what have you been doing with him the last two days, sir?”