Chapter 16

Alex drifted on a cloud, silken tickling feathers brushing lightly over his lips, tasting of nothing, yet making him think of morning dew on a rose.

How very poetic.

Even for Alex, that sentiment was over the top, but he was lost so deeply in the sensation he couldn’t help feeling overemotional. The giddy passion of lust that had ridden him so hard almost took a step back. Those feelings still existed but this…Alex likened the kiss to the spun out disconnected impression of daydreaming. Oddly, his pulse slowed. His stomach and chest, so often plagued with a feeling of tightness lately, relaxed. For all of a few seconds, Alex accepted he felt happy.

Then, he remembered whose lips firmly pressed against his, and he pushed Mani away. This might be what he wanted, but his conscience stepped in. He shook his head at the alien.

“We can’t. You can’t do those things with me.”

Mani frowned, leaning in, only Alex’s firm hand keeping his body from pressing too close.