Chapter 22

“Furthermore what?” Edward glared at his lover.

“Never mind. You’re not sympathetic in the least to what Robert’s been telling us. I hope the remains…they just can’t be the boy I remember,” Leslie said. “We were mates back then. Friends. I liked him. I don’t know how to say this other than to just come right out with it. I have a strong feeling, call it intuition, that I was…sort of in love with him, as much as a twelve-year-old boy could be or understands about being in love.”

“This is just plain old poppycock.” Edward narrowed his eyes at Robert and immediately shifted his position on the subject. “You started this Freudian rigmarole and now he’s all riled up.”

“You can’t be serious,” Leslie said. “I was twelve years old. You’re jealous of a twenty-five-year-old memory that might not even be real.”

“I am not!”

“All of us are not riled up,” Robert said. “It’s just a theory. Can’t you—”

Edward tossed his napkin on the table and strode out of the dining room.