“Oh, yes, you are charming.” Then he looked around. “I must get back to my typewriter. Good day, ladies.” He winked at Wilson and left.
“He’s a real piece of work, isn’t he?” I asked when he had left.
“Yes. It’s too bad the only thing he’s had his fingers on in years is his typewriter.” Ryan laughed, then looked at me. “But you indeed charmed him.”
I guess I did. The next day, his column read:
Despite her companions, Chris Anthony showed us how charming she is when we ran into her poolside at Ladera yesterday. Car Weldon, Ryan Foster, and even the incredibly handsome Wilson Potter seemed to pale next to her. She bewitched us by telling us how much she enjoyed reading this column. How did you ever score that, Car? By the way, folks, we are at a loss to describe that bathing suit. Unbelievable and exquisite do not even come close. 15