
Chapter 50

This hurts, Ness. Everyone seems to think I’m the bad guy in this. And I’ll admit, I don’t have the first fucking clue where the kid’s coming from, and I don’t understand him, but since when is that new? He wants to be a doctor, for Christ’s sake. I haven’t understood him since he learned to read and went off eating computer manuals alive. He’s still my goddamn kid, and suddenly it’s like he’s kicking himself out because of some stupid idea that I’m disappointed in him.

Jesus, Ness. Help me. Or tell me someone who can because I feel like I’m losing my son here, and I don’t know how to stop it. 25

Dad usually worked late Tuesdays, and Shane was barred from going to cadets as part of his grounding, so he wasn’t too surprised to walk out of the main school gate to find Jason’s battered car haphazardly parked outside.