Mel waved her hand, shooing him off. “I already know that.”
“It was my favorite dish on the menu,” Greg admitted.
“Then that’s the one I’ll make,” Preston said. “Which way to the kitchen?”
* * * *
Even though Preston had no idea what the salmon entree at Libbie Mill tasted like, he could cook the fish in his sleep, and he was confident he could replicate the dish without a problem. It might not taste exactly like the restaurant’s, but it would be succulent and delicious, nonetheless
Cam followed him into the kitchen. “Need some help?”
Before Preston could reply, Greg came up behind them and said, “Not so fast, loverboy. This is a solo effort, not a team event.”
“Every chef needs a sous,” Cam pointed out. Turning to Preston, he asked, “Did I say that right?”
“It’s actually sous chef.” Preston leaned into the fridge, selecting items he’d need for the evening’s meal. “Sousby itself means under.”