“I’d have to ask my husband, but I get the feeling the answer is no, sorry.”
“No problem.” Carlo turned back to Hal and said, “You see? You can’t put two people together based solely on their sexual preference. It’s like if I came up to you and said, ‘Hey, heard you were straight! My sister is single. Do you want to meet her?’ then started naming your kids or whatever.”
Hal shrugged. “Is your sister hot?”
Carlo’s face became stony. “My sister is fifteen,” he said in a protective growl.
Hal put his hands up defensively. “Well, why didn’t you say that?”
“Because that’s my point. You don’t know anything about my sister, so why would you agree to date her? I don’t know anything about…uh…” Carlo furrowed his brow and snapped his fingers.
“Wes,” Wes said.
“Right! Wes! For all I know he could be a crude meat-head asshole.”
Wes nodded. “And for all I know Carlo could be a self-centered bastard like my ex.”