
Chapter 35

I leaned back in my desk chair, crossed one leg over the other, and touched the center of my chin in deep thought. “Tell me a little bit about Fire’s March.”

A brief smile lit up her face because she probably liked to talk about her stories and characters. “It was my third novel in the Fireseries. It sold very well. Then it was made into a movie, which people in Europe seemed to love, but not Americans.”

“And who was its publisher?”

“Paxtonian Books out of Miami?”

Right again. Good for her. “And who edited the book, Margo?”

She looked away from me and stared at the window that overlooked St. Paul Street. She rubbed her hands together with nervousness and snapped, “I don’t have to answer that, young man!”

“Let me answer it for you then. Laura Monigal edited your third novel. She was hired by Paxtonian for a short period of time. You were clever enough to pave a way to get her fired. The two of you, let me say, rubbed each other the wrong way.”