I hadn’t meant to say that. I, uh, had wanted him to think I’d had sex with a girl…But how would that explain my gut pain? I mean…Well, shit. I glanced up at him again…and he was smiling a real, polite smile. That bastard. Not only was he was smiling; he was damn close to smirking.
“You bottomed?” he asked.
“I—huh?” I had at that time no clue what that meant.
He rolled his eyes. “Ahem.” I could imagine him rolling his eyes and thinking, what an idiot. He went on, “Well, medically speaking, your partner, being the top, inserts his…”
“No. No. I get it. Yes.” Oh boy, did I get it. That’s exactly what I got. I was nodding maniacally. There was a sudden spate of whimpering noises that I realized were coming from me. When I realized this, I bit my lip and stammered out, “Fuhhhh,” and then nodded. Again.