Chapter 14

A bit about my brother Wendell; he has Down syndrome. He’s actually older than I am, but he’s shorter and chubby and well, you know. He wants to be called Zelda the Magnificent but he can’t pronounce it himself, and cried when Dad sneered and told him Zelda was a girl’s name. He’s big hearted and full of love for all mankind. I am probably the only person who knows he only pretends to love our dad. This one time when Dad was being particularly clueless and mean, saying Wen was not his son, no fucking way, Wen got into Dad’s matches and started playing with them. Dad got scared, more scared than angry. And for a split second Wen’s mask broke and I saw he understood completely what he was doing, and was enjoying himself thoroughly. I didn’t know if he was capable of not starting a fire, or entirely capable of doing so on purpose. I had no idea, either way. I was a little scared myself, but then he tried to wink at me. He knew that too.