Chapter 16

Aaron went in back and Ben could hear him searching. He seemed to be there a long time.

“I don’t have that many books to choose from,” Ben eventually called out. “There’s the latest Lee Child. Haven’t listened to that yet.”

Aaron came back from behind the curtain, packet of CDs in one hand, plastic piss bottle in the other. “Is this what I think it is?”

Ben glanced to his right. “Yep, that’s an audiobook.”

“Sarky sod. I meant this bottle. Do you use it to pee in?”

“Yeah, when I’m behind schedule and I don’t want to stop for a bathroom break.” Ben could almost hear the wheels turning in Aaron’s kinky mind. “And, no, I’m not going to show you.”

“Not even if I hold it?”

Ben wondered what Aaron was offering to hold, but didn’t want to know. “No.”

“It’d be so hot.”

“Not happening.”