“Why are there no lights on? Didn’t you pay the bill?”
To the phone: “Renee, did you pay the electric bill, dear?”
More cursing. Educational cursing.
“It should be safe to turn some lights on by now. Most of the blood has probably been cleaned up.”
“What?” Sky started to stand up but a strong hand pushed him down again. “We’re funning you. There’s no blood. Not anymore.”
Another voice came from behind him. “Not a lot, anyhow. Crackers got most of what was left. And we have that excellent cleaning service over in the corner.”
Sky was too confused to even ask. The lights came on a moment later and at the same time, something put hands or mitts or paws on his shoulders, making him squirm, making him wish he didn’t have a mouthful of pie so he could scream.
“Crackers, get down. He’s our guest.”