Chapter 5

Caleb appeared amused at his shocked expression. “I don’t depend upon stores to help me survive. I live off the land, mostly.”

Jarrod, still surprised, gestured around him at the plasma screen television, the computer, and kitchen appliances. “You didn’t get all these out there in the woods.”

Caleb grinned and winked at him. “I didn’t say I never went to a store, but I did acquire them honestly.”

Blood rushed to Jarrod’s face. “I didn’t mean…I wasn’t implying…”

Caleb burst out laughing. “It’s all right. I know how it must seem, me being way out here in the middle of nowhere.”

Jarrod reached for another cracker with cheese and sausage on it. “This is delicious,” he said, trying to undo his faux pas.

“You must be starving,” Caleb said. “It’s just crackers and cheese.”

“I thought I’d be home for dinner by now,” Jarrod said. “Mom said she was cooking all my favorite dishes, not crackers and cheese.”