Chapter 7

The notion of peril he felt before crossed his mind and he dismissed it immediately. Nothing was going to spoil this moment.

Jarrod raised his legs, the only part of his body he could move, and clasped his legs around Caleb’s waist, putting his hole in an inviting position. He wanted Caleb inside of him again.

Without rising up, Caleb pressed his groin between Jarrod’s legs and into his hole.

Jarrod was amazed that a man with such bulk and muscularity could maneuver his cock into his opening in such manner, so flexible as if he didn’t have a bone in his body.

Except for one big one. Caleb’s weight made it difficult to breathe but he sucked in a big breath as the big cock entered him, like he was sitting on a baseball bat.

Caleb thrust repeatedly, hitting Jarrod’s inner wall with such force Jarrod was shoved back and forth on the thick comforter. The friction caused sweat to break out on Jarrod’s back and soon the duvet beneath him was soaked.