“This is not about me, Will,” Rye said more calmly. “It’s about our brother, and how he needsus right now.”
Their mother ducked her head, and her features softened. “Needs us? Why? What’s going on with your brother?” She still stood stiffly by the wall.
“Mom, could you please sit down. I’m gonna feel a lot more comfortable if you’re sitting down.”
To his surprise, she obeyed. She sat in the corner chair, away from anyone. “Go on.”
“Okay, look, Liam is up there with his lover, partner, whatever you wanna call it.”
Will shut his eyes. He looked terrible. “Here we go.”
Rye felt for him. Felt for them all. “Listen,” he went on, “this isn’t easy for me to tell you, Mom, but, Liam…Liam is gay. Gay.”
He expected gasping. Crying. Screaming. Maybe some pulling of the hair.
But there was only the sound of the humming neon lights in the hallway.
Rye’s eyes swept the small room, checking for reactions.
Will was leaning back, staring up at the ceiling blankly.