Chapter 3

He waited while she lit one up. “You’re so damned disagreeable today. Remind me why I like you.”

“Then why bring up this insane idea of changing my mode of travel?”

“To one you’re terrified of. Yes, I get it.” She took his hand in hers. “Whatever you think, honey, I do like you.”

“And I, you. Sorry. I can be an asshole.”

She went back to her coffee, made a face. “Damn! It’s cold.” She checked her watch. “No time for a warm up.”

“What, no comeback? No, Lee, you’re definitely not an asshole?’”

“Don’t look so pitiful. I think that’s exactlywhy I do like you. Because you are. What you just said you were.”

They both laughed.

He reached for the check, but she beat him to it.

“This is on me. I think it was worth it, beating you over the head a little.” Then she grabbed her purse and briefcase, waved him off and made for the door and her winter coat.