Chapter 8

“Go ahead,” she said. “Read me your list. Plane travel is something I know about.”

With a great show of reluctance, he flipped open his computer. “It’s not complete, just the first steps, enough to get me to the airport and on the damn thing.”

She yawned, obviously bored, and waved him on.

“One thing first. You have to promise not to laugh,” he said shaking a finger at her in warning.”

“I’ll do my best.”

He began reading his list aloud. “Number one. Order a first class ticket online. Albany to Chicago.”

“Coach. It’s much cheaper. Leaves you more spending money for your trip. When I go home I always fly coach. Something Mom and Dad drummed in to me at a young age.”

He smiled at the word young, then nodded. “Two—”

“Wait. While you’re online you might want to do some add-ons. Like extra luggage.”

“Just taking a carry-on.”

“Make sure you get your seat assignment.”

“I’ve read sitting over the wing by a window is the smoothest ride.”