Chapter 3

Damn it. I could be out here for hours and hours. Should I call Maggie or Dickie or wait and see who Blake sends? What to do? I don’t want to be out here sitting in this shrubbery until dark. Nested into this dampness, I could develop arthritis. That would be all I need. Shit! Why the fuck am I thinking about arthritis? There’s so much more to worry about.

As she watched, two officers went from truck to truck, checking the cab doors to see if they were unlocked. They asked the two or three drivers who were in their rigs if they had seen anyone around. Those drivers agreeably offered to let the officers search their cabs. All of the other drivers were inside eating.

Her phone vibrated. When Cam mumbled “Yeah,” the voice on the other end said “Erika was closest. She’ll be there in about an hour or two.” Then the phone went dead.