Chapter 18

“Out,” was all he said. It wasn’t a mean order, simply decisive.

Cam got out of the car and was immediately scanned with a sensing device.

“Good to go,” he called out to the man on Dave’s side of the car who said something to Dave.

Dave turned around to look at her, and then gestured to her to join him. Cam nodded and walked around the back of the car.

“Johnny,” he said as he held his hand out to Cam to join him, “this is Cameron. She’s new to this, but she’s being trained to do this route with me so we can do it quicker. Twice on the last two runs I’ve had to pull over until I could wake up.”

“You must be getting old,” Johnny said and laughed at him. He stepped up and held his hand out to Cam. His shake was strong, almost crushing, but Cam fought to keep from wincing. She squeezed back.

“Yes,” he said, “Blake told me about you. Welcome to the family.”

“I hope I live up to his expectations.”

“If Ruth suggested you, there’s no doubt. She’s never wrong,” Johnny added.