Chapter 4

“No, I’m not,” Noah replied. “My boyfriend and I have an open relationship.”

I hadn’t thought of that possibility. People still did that? Really?

He continued, “I’m guessing you saw me the other day when I picked Bridges up for lunch, huh?”

“Yup.” I smiled, relieved. “Whew, you had me worried there for a minute.” His companions laughed a little louder, and it was getting old. I placed my hands on my hips. “What’s so damn funny, people?”

Noah looked at one of his buddies. “He doesn’t know.”

I was confused. “Know what?”

“I had it on good authority that your ass was tight and you were a good time. Word gets around, you know? You’re always so desperate for it, too. I thought, why not? Turns out, what they said was true. I’d love to have another go sometime. I mean, your face ain’t nothing to look at, but you’re definitely a hell of a fuck.” Everyone around him guffawed, and they all high-fived each other.