Chapter 2

“I do. I like to help out the way I was helped.”

“That’s a fine occupation, Abram,” I said and I crawled up and kissed him.

“You’re a handsome devil, Roy,” he said, “and I’d give a hell of a lot to keep you here, but I know you’ll move on. How about we do a deal. You spend this Christmas day with me, have us a celebration, and I’ll stake you to a horse, saddle, and what you’ll need to see you on your way.”

Had his beard been white, I’d have said he was St. Nick, lost his reindeer, and plopped down here in the desert. He had eyes that shone and a smile that defied his burly appearance.

“Deal,” I said and I kissed him again. He then rolled me off him and proceeded to lick and kiss my every inch. When he had me in a swoon beyond my imagining, he took me again, after which he said, “Merry Christmas, Roy.”

“Merry Christmas, Abram.”

* * * *

I’d no idea the time when we dressed and went to supper, but I cared little on such things. The town was done up with lights for the holiday and I recognized a Christmas tune coming from the saloon’s piano. In a modest restaurant Abram bought me a steak with potatoes, biscuits, and good coffee, then for dessert apple pie. I caught him watching me and I said, “You know how good food tastes to me,” and he nodded. I liked that he’d been inside. Just as he’d gotten to know my every inch, he knew how it was in a cell.

After supper, Abram bought me some drinks and we listened to drunken men attempt to sing holiday songs. Then we joined in, which set us to laughing. I found much enjoyment in hearing Abram’s laugh for it was as big as the man. He threw an arm around me right there in front of everyone and I tucked up against him, reminding myself one last time I’d been set free this same day.

I expected Abram to take me home and practice more lovemaking, but instead he walked me past his place and on toward the river’s edge. This is the Colorado River which is a mean thing that runs down below the prison, enticing a man who is denied its cool water. Abram knew a spot down the other way, where trees clung to the edge. We walked among them and he kissed me there, out in the open, which was maybe the freest thing I’d ever done. When we parted, I couldn’t help but look around to see if we’d been spotted and Abram chuckled. “Nobody’s around,” he said. “Just us.” And he kissed me again.

“Look there,” he said after a bit. He was pointing to the sky which was full of stars as wind had swept away all trace of clouds. The night was cold, but I cared not. “A free man’s sky,” he added. “You can look up to God’s magnificence at any time and know life is a thing of beauty.”

“You really see it that way? A thing of beauty?”

Abram chuckled. “You will, too, in time. Prison will eventually be no more than a memory and you’ll have life in your hand. How old are you, Roy?”


“A babe in the woods. You’ve so much ahead, so much to embrace.”

I tucked up against him, feeling his warmth, and said, “Take me back home. It’s you I’m wanting to embrace.”

* * * *

On the way to his place, Abram bought a bottle of whiskey and when we were inside his little house, we had a drink, clinking glasses, and wishing a happy holiday. “Now,” said Abram, “take your clothes off slow. You’ve a fine body and I do like you boys smooth and pink, seeing how I’ve enough hair for two.”

He sat on the bed and had another whiskey while I shed things with care. When I got down to drawers I played around, pulling out my stiff dick, then turning around to uncover my bottom with care. He hooted and carried on and I called out, “Merry Christmas.”

He jumped up then, shed his clothes, and grabbed me from behind, running his hard cock up between my legs and I told him then, “You remind me of Santy Claus.”

He laughed. “Well, old Santy’s gonna fuck you.”

He was more urgent this time, likely due to my little show, and I welcomed him losing that sweetness in favor of giving it to me good. I came into the bedding, such was his force, and when he let go he roared like the bear he was. He then collapsed beside me and slept. I lasted but a couple more minutes, during which I petted that fur.