Chapter 28

With a laugh, Larry tore open the envelope and peeked inside. There were two lanyards with ID badges and an executed copy of the contract he’d signed. He wrapped the lanyards around his hand and pulled them out just enough to show them off.

The girls recognized them immediately. “Oh my God, backstage passes?” one squealed. This time she actually didhang up the phone.

Her sister scoffed, though. “Yeah, but to what? Probably some crap singer no one’s ever heard of.”

Tucking the passes back safely into the envelope, Larry shrugged. “Well, your boyfriends think he’s crap, but my daughter loves Geo, so she’ll flip when we use these to meet him next week. You know he’s coming to the Coliseum, right?”

They stared, open-mouthed and speechless.

“Thanks for holding them for me,” Larry said, rubbing it in a little more, before heading back to his apartment. 10
