“Have a seat,” Geo said again.
This time Crystal listened, perching on the edge of one of the armchairs so she could stare at Geo openly. Her purse was still clutched tightly in both hands, and Larry could see her fingertips were beginning to turn white from lack of circulation. He wondered if she would be embarrassed if he reminded her to breathe; he didn’t want her passing out. Then he heard her, drawing in quick little rabbity breaths.
Great. She’s going to hyperventilate instead.
Though he hated to say it, he told Geo, “We probably shouldn’t stay too long. It’s getting late.”
“Nonsense. The night is young.” Geo patted the cushion as if hoping to entice Larry to join him.
What could Larry say? No? Like he could ever deny Geo anything.
But the moment Larry sank onto the sofa—God, that leather was plush!—Geo stood and clapped his hands. “Now where is that cheese tray? They were supposed to bring it in during the last encore…ah! Here we go.”