Chapter 6

“Uh…one-sixty-five. Why?”

Cole shrugged. “I’ve lifted heavier. Brace yourself.”

Daniel barely had time to do so before Cole put one arm under his shoulders and the other under his knees and scooped him off the ground. He reflexively clung to Cole, digging his fingers into Cole’s back. “Sorry,” he said, loosening his grip slightly.

“No worries. I’ve had calves kick me in the face when I pick them up. Now see if you can grab the pommels and pull yourself up with your arms.”

That part was easy. It was getting his right leg over the saddle without relying on his left foot for assistance that challenged Daniel. Cole helped take the weight off by holding onto Daniel’s left leg until Daniel had his right foot firmly in its stirrup. Cole fetched Daniel’s phone and borrowed Stetson from the ground and handed them to him.

“Thanks for that,” Daniel said, securing his phone back in his pocket and donning the hat.