Chapter 5

“I think so.”

Garrett took out a handkerchief and gave it to her. “Wipe your eyes, no harm done.”

She wiped her face and took in a deep breath, then forced a smile and walked away. Garrett took another drink and caught Eron’s smile as he approached.

“You’re a hero.”

The room grew warm. “Nah, I just caught her before she hit the floor.”

“Looks like your collar caught her lips.” Eron reached up and touched the lipstick stain. As Eron’s warmth radiated through his shirt, a shudder of excitement ran through Garrett. He bobbed his head the opposite direction and shifted away from Eron.

“It was a nice wedding.” Eron dropped his hand.

“Yes, it was.”

Side by side, they leaned against the wall and nursed their drinks.

“Well, I guess I’ll go back to my seat.” Garrett took a quick gulp of his drink and pushed away.


“For what?”

“How about we get another cocktail and go for a walk? They do a wonderful job with the landscaping here.” 2