Chapter 49

“Fire Island is out on Long Island, a place like Provincetown.”

“Oh.” Garrett stared at his feet.

Eron rubbed Garrett’s hand with his thumb. “Where did we go wrong?”

“There’s nothing wrong about what’s between us. Garrett looked back down at their entwined hands. He engaged Eron in a bout of playful thumb wrestling. “What about Provincetown?”

I’d like nothing more than to run away with you there again. “Provincetown wasn’t real.”

“How can you say that? We were there, we saw other people?”

There’s that innocence I love so much about him. “What I mean is that Provincetown is a special place that I’ll hold in my heart. This is reality though, and one or both of us could lose our jobs, you could get kicked out of your apartment.”

He stared at Garrett’s Adam’s apple as it bobbed with his hard swallow.

“I thought we were going to try to see each other a couple times during the week and spend the weekends together like Todd and James?”