“I have not killed you, John,” the man said.
John rolled his head to the side, the world beyond him hazy. The man put his own wrist to his lips and bit down. When he lowered his punctured wrist to John’s mouth, John moved away as best he could.
“Drink, John,” the man instructed. “You will die if you do not.”
John swallowed hard. Unwilling to die, he put his lips gently to the vampire’s wrist and began to drink.
* * * *
Evan left the bar and carried their mugs to their table. “All is well,” he announced as he slid a mug of ale to William. He gave William a sly grin before raising his own mug to his lips.
William craned his head to the side to see the results of Evan’s talk with the innkeeper. Evan simply shrugged.
“You have no morals.”
The pronouncement on the state of his soul broadened Evan’s grin. “Aye, so you’ve told me.”