“Where’s Evan?” Morgan asked as he wiped the blade on his jeans.
“This way,” Annette said. “He’s waiting with the others.”
Morgan followed her to another room in the basement of the mansion and opened the door. Nearly thirty vampires stood waiting for him with Evan in front. Morgan had known, the second he’d woken up after his turning, that he was different from all of them. Even Evan. That thought would have scared Morgan to death before. He forced himself to set aside any doubts for now, though. He had to stay focused, strong, if they were going to live through this.
“Are we ready?” Morgan asked. All thirty heads nodded in unison. “Follow me.”
A group of vampires—a small gathering of Mordell’s trusted companions, Morgan assumed—stood at the entrance to the lord’s throne room. Morgan pressed his back against the wall and peered around the corner. Evan stood beside him.