Chapter 2

Yule echoed Tinsel’s gesture, his hand running through all that fiery orange, a moan escaping from between Tinsel’s parted lips in response as goosebumps ran up both his arms. “Does the carpet match the drapes, little one?” the naughty elf then asked.

Tinsel had never heard such language before, but, still, he got the drift. And so, with trembling hands, he unzipped the zipper to his shorts and opened the fly wide. Little known fact: elves, when not wearing thongs, go commando. He twirled a loop of curly, reddish hair between his fingers. “Looks that way,” he replied, a nervous smile stretching wide across his still-blushing face. “Does, um, yours?” he added, expectantly, as he stared down at his friend’s equatorial region.