The light vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Yule sprang up, the miracle of Christmas at last filling his heart. All at once, the rocks were thrown off the pile, one by one, despite their size and weight. “I get it,” he shouted, his own tears flowing now, streaming down his face. “I get it, little one.”
Tinsel beamed and joined his friend in the pitched battle with time, the rocks flying across the cave, until Comet could be seen on the other side, almost lifeless. Almost. But then they saw his ribs rise and lower. That’s also when they noticed the other reindeer pressed to the side of Comet. He was a large buck, who was also, thankfully, still breathing.
The two elves looked to each other and grinned. “Ah,” Yule said, with a chuckle thrown in for good measure. “NowI get it.”
“Yep,” Tinsel said, with a nod of his head and a smile stretched wide across his face. “Seems we’re not so different after all.”